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Bibliographie sélective

1965 “The Pleistocene carved bone from Tequixquiac, Mexico: a reappraisal”. In: American Antiquity, 30 (3): 261-277.
BARTON, C. Michael, CLARK Geoffrey A., David R. YESNER et Georges PEARSON
2004 Settlement of the American continents: A multidisciplinary approach to human biogeography. University of Arizona Press. Tucson.
BEMENT, Leland C.
1999 Bison hunting at Cooper site : Where lightning bolts drew thundering herds. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman.
CLOTTES, Jean (coord.)
2012 Actes du Congrès IFRAO, Tarascon-sur-Ariège, septembre 2010 – Symposium « Art pléistocène dans les Amériques ». N° spécial de Préhistoire, Art et Sociétés, Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Ariège-Pyrénées, LXV-LXVI, 2010-2011.
2000 The Settlement of the Americas: A New Prehistory. Basic Books. New York.
2002 The early settlements of North America: the Clovis era. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
MALOTKI, Ekkehart et Henry D. WALLACE
2011 “Columbian mammoth petroglyphs from the San Juan River near Bluff, Utah, United States”. In: Rock Art Research, 28 (2): 143-152.
MARTIN, Gabriela
2008 Pré- Historia do Nordeste do Brasil. Editora Universitaria UFPE. Recife (5ème édition).
2009 First peoples in a new world: Colonizing Ice Age America. University of California Press. Berkeley / Los Angeles.
NEVES, Walter A., Astolfo G. M. ARAUJO, Danilo V. BERNARDO, Renato KIPNIS et James K. FEATHERS
2012 “Rock art at the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary in eastern South America”. In: PLoS One, 7 (2): e32228. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032228.
ONETTO, Maria et Maria Mercedes PODESTA
2011 “Cueva de las Manos. An outstanding example of a rock art site in South America”. In: Adoranten 2011: 67-78.
PURDY, Barbara A., Kevin S. JONES, John J. MECHOLSKY, Gerald BOURNE, Richard C. HULBERT Jr., Bruce J. MacFADDEN, Krista I. CHURCH, Michael W. WARREN, Thomas F. JORSTAD, Dennis J. STANFORD, Melvin J. WACHOWIAK et Robert J. SPEAKMAN
2011 “Earliest art in the Americas: incised image of a proboscidean on a mineralized extinct animal bone from Vero Beach, Florida”. In: Journal of Archaeological Science, 38: 2908-2913.
1995 “The Earliest Rock Art in the Americas: South America”. In: Rock Art Research, 12 (2): 134-135.
VIALOU, Denis (coord.)
2013 Peuplement et préhistoire en Amériques. Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques. Paris.
2013 “Rock art dating and the peopling of the Americas”. In: Journal of Archaeology, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 713159: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/713159

Référence à citer

Sébastien Perrot-Minnot, Les débuts de l’art en Amérique, archeographe, 2013. http://www.archeographe.net/debuts_art_amerique